Kamila Sidiqi

Kamila ran an underground tailoring business and refused to accept defeat when there seemed to be no hope for women in Afghanistan during the first Taliban regime in the early 1990’s. She created work and income for over 150 women through sheer willpower and determination. She refuses to give up hope once again and strongly believes that Afghan girls have the same right to education that is enjoyed by men and boys in the country.

Together with Olga Travlos, she has launched the Kamila Sidiqi Foundation, an initiative that seeks to support Afghan girls who have been banned from school in safely continuing their education. The foundation supports out-of-job women educators in running safe classes for girls in Kabul.

Kamila now lives with her husband and 2 children in London.

Facilitating education for women, particularly for young girls is critical for community development and building a successful nation.

– Kamila Sidiqi

Olga Travlos

Olga is an FCA CA (SA) with an early career in investment banking and operational FD roles covering finance and IT for listed companies. She then set up and built a successful digital marketing and e-commerce development agency which she sold in 2021. Olga lives with her husband in Cambridgeshire UK and has 2 adult daughters.

Since selling her business Olga has been involved in funding education for women. She set up a bursary to sponsor a student to become a Chartered Accountant in South Africa through the University of the Witwatersrand. She provided the funding to set up the first two classes for girls deprived of schooling in Afghanistan.

Working with Kamila, Olga is committed to helping the girls of Afghanistan.

Should we watch as mute spectators? Or should we take action to support innocent girls?